Sunday, September 27, 2009

I know Him

A rough day today....

no sleep for me or baby....cranky toddler....fighting and biting older kids....found out I missed a call from my hubby....missing broom and remote...messy house....sore breast...broke a ceramic dish....legs hurt from running....I could go on but I will stop...

To remember HIM.

Because He is all I need and I need him desperately. I don't want to appear like I need Him on just bad days but all day everyday on good days too.

I have been thinkin about joy...only Jesus can give us joy...yet, my circumstances a lot of times seem to zap my joy right out of me.

Joy commeth in the morning...the joy of the Lord is my strength...remember the joy of your salvation...these snippets of verses come to me as I type. Helping me to focus not on me but on Him...

A day like today wants to put me first...I keep thinking of myself and all my woes and sorrows...little things like why I can't type in purple anymore irritate me...!!

Yet I will rise and overcome me, myself and I because I know Him. He is my all and all...He has seen me through some awful times and He will see me through this day...

Let me fix my eyes upon Jesus for He came to overcome. And because of Him I am an overcomer. Why do I so easily forget who I am in Christ?

I am so so so looking forward to eternity right now. But God has given me another day and so I pray that I can make each moment count for eternity. I pray I can love, love, love on those around me as the Spirit inside works in me to do so. I pray that I can finish this race well because it will be so worth it when I hear, "well done my good and faithful servant." from a loving and mighty God.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Zaria's 7th Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Zaria's birthday!!!

It was a lot of fun. We went to Chuck E. Cheese's and had a great time stuffing ourselves with pizza, salad, cake, and drinks. We also got a lot of tokens to play games...we were having soooo much fun we didn't realize how late it had gotten when we finally left the place....

With that being said, I am all birthday'd out for at least the next couple of months. Our next family birthday will be Anaya's and she will be three years old...

Before I go, let me tell you a little bit about our birthday girl:

-She loves to read chapter books.

-She likes climbing on things (like our couches, counter-tops, chairs, and even in her closet to sit on the very top shelf)

-She likes and has "boy" toys like matchbox and guns but she likes "girl" things too, like nail polish, make-up, and jewelry

-She is a great help with Anaya. She plays with her and (just recently) changed her diaper without Mama asking

-She likes to sleep with her older sister and she likes making cards and pictures for her.

We love you Zaria. Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Kamelah

Yesterday, my first born daughter turned 9 years old!!! We celebrated at Cici's Pizza with her friends.

We also got to see dadddy on the webcam. It was so great to see him and he was able to wish Kamelah a happy birthday. I love being able to talk to him and see him at the same time...being that he is many many miles away.

So let me tell you a little bit about Kamelah:
-She loves to do arts and crafts projects
-She helps out a lot with the younger ones
-She likes to cook and bake
-She asks lots and lots of questions everyday
-She is very creative
-She is maturing in her walk with the Lord that amazes me and puts me to shame
-I learn a lot from her about stopping and enjoying the little things in life
-And I have learned so much about loving unconditonally and I have seen the Father's love, goodness, and glory shine through her...

I am looking forward to celebrating many more birthday with you Kamelah. I know each day is a gift with you and each moment counts toward eternity. Daddy and I only have a few more years with you to train you up in the way you should go. I will not take the time for granted but continue to sow seeds and love unconditionally...for that is all that matters and what carries us into God's eternal glory.

Much love to my BIG nine year old.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Trials and tribulations

Here I am this morning feeding baby and typing at the same time...multi-tasking proves to be very effective these days when you have four children and a household to run....

Yesterday was a learning experience for me...I have had a lot of those since my man has left, some spiritual and some physical.

I know now not to put your cell phone in the back pocket of your swim shorts before going swimming cuz you could forget about it like I did and then go cellphone-less for a while as you wait and hope it dries out and after three days of waiting you then realize it will not ever work so then you have to go get another one.

I also know now that you should never play a movie for the kids in the car unless the car is started. If you do then your battery could possible die at an inconvient spot (like at a school parking lot) and as you see the last car roll away while starting the car you thank God that at least you now have a working cell phone that will enable you to call and get help....

There were so many more learning lessons that I have gone through this past week like baby car seat anxiety, poop found in odd places as I am potty training my two year old, how to go to the post office with a crying baby and active toddler in tow plus two other kids and wait in line for 15 min. to only discover (as you make your way to the counter) that you forgot to bring in your wallet, and also how to go back to the post office a second time with crying baby and active toddler realizing that you went at nap time, which turned into two crying kids and a post worker laughing about them being in tune with each other....

Whatever trials and tribulations I have experience thus far, I know they have shaped me, molded me, and made me want to be more like Jesus. He was our example on how to live in this dark and depraved world. James 1:2-3 says, "Consider it pure joy, my [sister] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of [my] faith develops perseverance." My faith needs to be tested, otherwise my faith won't grow and my relationship won't deepen with the Lord.

Trials big and small come to everyone. How we deal with them is what counts in knowing and developing our faith in trusting Him...and in giving Him our problems and worries. I need to "humble [myself] under God's mighty hand, that he may lift me up in due time. [wish I could change due time into my time!!!] Cast all [my] anxiety on him because he cares for [me]. (1Peter 5:6,7)

How can I fathom the love that the Father has for me? He cares for me...He chasens those He loves.

My prayer then needs to be, "Lord, chasen me because I know it will only draw me closer to you..."