Friday, May 18, 2012

delighting in obedience

Boy how that word can cause such a stirring of positive or negative emotion. Either I am for it or against it....
and to be honest, I am all about it when I am training or teaching my child why it is not okay to play on the computer when I told her to go put the dishes away....or to come to me and not run away when I say it is time for bed....
But me? What do I have to obey. First of all, I am grown and don't live with my mama and daddy. I'm not in a classroom and I don't work outside the home... So, there. I don't need to obey anyone but myself,right,... because, is there really anyone over me, telling me what to do?

As a Christian, I have to change my thinking about obedience and how it can work in me. I can look back over my five years of being in Christ and say that I have obeyed God sometimes...I fall short of course as everyone.... But I also can say that I can try harder at the very least to obey God all the time. I know that my Lord and Savior died for me, took my place, felt my sins, felt all kinds of pain, just for me to have a relationship with Him.... He enables me to obey God in ALL areas of my life. The Holy Spirit living inside of me helps me, leads me, guides me, and encourages me to live a life obedient to Him....and yet, knowing all this seems to be the easy part. Doing it is, well,... hard... and it is not something that happens of course overnight.

Why and how could I possible obey the one true God, when my flesh, my mind, my thoughts are telling me to do something else? I have learned that it takes prayer and surrender to trully allow God to work in me to help me to obey Him. To obey Him even when I don't feel like obeying Him. Even when my flesh is telling me it my way....I know best!

The other day I had to apologize to my oldest daughter for my attitude towards her. It was late and I was grumpy and irritable...I just wanted to go to bed. I was wrong in my attitude and when I finally layed my head down on the pillow I knew in my heart that I was wrong...the Lord convicted me and I tried to justify it.
Yet what is so great about knowing my Lord as my personal Savior is that I know that if I accept that I am wrong and ask for forgiveness, He is faithful to cleanse me of all be free once again from the weight of my sin... So here I am tonight...praying...thinking...asking the Lord to help me be obedient to Him in all areas of my life. To help me be content where I am, to help me discipline my life, to be still and know that He is God. To pray and pray and pray all be reminded to pray and focus my whole being on Him and Him alone....

My heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I, the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve. -Jer.17:9-10

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I've been forgiven!!!

I will let my fingers do the typing tonight...

I am thankful that God has forgiven me of everything I have ever done against Him. I am just thinking about all that I have done or thought of or said that was not pleasing or acceptable just this week and it so amazing that He has forgiven it all as I confessed to Him the mistakes I have made...

I was thinking about how God renews the human mind, and how He renews my mind inspite of the sinfulness that resides within me and in this world. I know that the enemy is constantly waging war on the mind and the Word of God sets me free in this battle of lies...the enemy tries hard and is powerful enough to persuade us to believe in these lies...

Yet God is even more powerful and willing to share and show the Truth with us....

What an awesome, amazing God we have!!!!

I was told that I am in a season of praise right now. I need to constantly praise Him for all He has done and for all He is going to do...for who He is and for what He has taken me out of.

I pray that as I praise Him, He will continue to take me deeper and deeper into a relationship with Him. I want to fully rely, trust, depend on, lean into, and surrender my life to Him everyday. I am walking in His Truth and I know the plans He has for me will manifest in His timing....

Bloggy friends, I really thank you for your prayers and support and look forward to writing more soon.....

Take care ya'll

Monday, February 27, 2012

Revelation is wonderful!

It's amazing how God reveals Himself to the car, at home, during the early hours of the morning, in the sunrise and sunsets here on this beautiful island called Guam....and even in the rainbows that paint the sky quite frequently here...

God is revealing so much to me. I am currently reviewing my spiritual warfare notes and reading several scriptures in Ephesians. I am realizing now that I became spiritually lazy in this spiritual battle we fight daily....not thinking the enemy was going to take advantage of my lack of focusing on God....

But praise God for His mercy, love and grace. I see it more and more as I seek Him more and more in this life He has given me. I might have fallen out for a little while, but my King dusted me off, healed my wounds and set my feet up on the Rock, once again, which is always steady, trustworthy, and faithful!

....So I just want to give God praise for:
-not giving up on me, even when I gave up on Him
-His Holy Spirit leading me, guiding me, and teaching me
-His unconditional love, His forgiveness, His forgetfulness
-using me to make others more aware of Him
-His truth that has set me free!!!

Love to you lovely blogger friends!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

an awesome, loving God!!!

God has been so, so, good to me today (as He always is)! He has put his favor upon me...not that I am any more special than you, my dear, sweet, faithful bloggy readers...
Either I have been more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading or I have just been seeing a lot more of my prayers being answered...
...either way, I want to be more aware of God's presence in my life...
I am seeking His face more and more and He is faithful to draw near to me as I draw near to Him. I know He has exciting plans for me to prosper and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future. I am walking it out...even as I type this right now.
I am seeing breakthroughs in my relationships with family and friends. I am seeing the Word of God operate in my life as the Lord continues to renew my mind in His truths. I am praying for me to stay on the righteous path, the narrow way, to move forward in abundance and victory!
Can't wait to see what He has for me as I stay true and faithful to Him.
Three cheers....for an awesome, loving God!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

a tragic death

The world now knows the news of the tragic (pre-mature) death of Whitney Houston. I listened to her music in the 90's and she definitely had one of the best singing voices ever. All glory and honor go to God for giving her such a beautiful gift to glorify Him. I don't know all about her life, only from the media and newspapers. I do know that drugs and alcohol played a major part of her downfall. I believe the enemy peeked into her future and saw a women with great power and potential to use her gift for God and His glory. Unfortanately, she didn't get to accomplish the plans that God had for her in its fullest here on Earth. I hope that she had accepted Jesus as her Savior and is in eternity with Him right now. I pray that this tragedy would be used in some way for His glory and I will continue to lift her family up to the Jesus name.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I love the Word of God!!

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who called you is faithful and he will do it. -1Thess. 5:23-24.

I love, love, love God's word!!!! I have been meditating on this verse all day today. I am so thankful that God has not forgotten me!!! I love the words sanctify and through and through. Sanctify means set apart for sacred use, to cleanse, to declare or make holy. I believe the Lord is doing this very thing...through circumstances and through things that are not in my control, He is sanctifying me....and it really really hurts at times. My flesh doesn't like it... but...the Holy Spirit is healing, restoring, and strengthening me through this process.

I love the fact that it says He is faithful and he will do is a promise that God will not leave you or me where we are at. He will continue to work to keep us blameless before Him and to be ready for when the Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

me with the boys

I don't know about you, but I cannot wait for that day!!! It will be such a happy day to see my Lord and Savior in all His glory. But until then I will continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling, knowing He is the author and perfector of my faith.

May God's blessing be on you all as we continue to wait upon Him.....!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

I am desperate for You!!!

Hello Again! Well, I just wanted to share what God has been doing in my life....

I suppose I can say right now, I am so desperate for God. I need him so desperately in my life because I know if He does not take me, mold me, make me, rescue me, heal me, lead me, guide me, be my all in all...
I will completely crumble. I know I won't make it...I won't make another day.
Has anyone ever been there and feels the desperation like I feel, bloggy friends????

I am at a complete and total standstill in my life....wondering and waiting on the Lord. I love the Psalms especially in this season in my life. Psalm 30 is what I have been reading over and over again..."Hear, O Lord and be merciful to me; O Lord, be my help."
I need HELP....not from a doctor, not from a lawyer...but from Almighty God himself....who is more powerful than anything....that will save my soul and has saved my soul from destruction both now and in the present age to come....
Jesus I need you so desperately today. I really don't want to write here about all my neediness but this is what is on my heart today....
I am hoping and praying for better days. For new direction, for confirmation to come that all this hardship was not done in vain. I am going to continue to seek and pray to my heavenly Father because I know He will see me through!!

God bless.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An update for 2012

Hello again to all my bloggy friends!!

I know it has been a while since I updated you on all the happenin's here in Guam.
To be completely honest with you, we have been going through a trial, maybe I could call it a storm that has put my focus off of things like updating blogs, laundry, goals for the New Year, cleaning house, etc...
Unfortanately, it took my mind off of trusting in the Lord too....I am working at now seeking my Father's face in this whole ordeal and taking in each moment He gives me to operate in His Spirit, in His timing, and in His grace.
I don't want to really make this post boring, sad, or have you,my bloggy friends, be concerned. Just know that our Father God is working mightily in me, revealing to me His love, His peace, and His security...for His purpose.
I want to share so much with you all about the birth of our newest lil' guy. I can't wait to put pics of him up here and the other kids. They are growing up and God is doing a work in each one of them.
Anaya prayed the other night with her face in the rug to accept Jesus in her heart. I read her a Bible Story and talked with her about Jesus and she wanted Him to come into her heart....she also saw her sister baptized in the ocean out here and so she wants to do that too. Don't know yet...but all in God's timing.
I know my oldest daughter wants me to post here more often. I will do so when the Lord allows...please pray for me. I am needy of prayer this season of my life. I used to pray for others on a pretty regular basis and people would search me out to pray for them...yet God has me here asking people to pray for me.
I love this verse, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

Love to you...your sista in Christ