Today is another episode of Not ME Monday...these things I did not do and do not claim to ever think to do them in my life, ever... (if you don't know what I am talking about go to blog to find out...and to read more hilarious Not Me's!!)
I did not have the urge to stop cooking meals for the family after my daughter happily stated just how much she loved eating toast, leftover microwaved rice, and yogurt for dinner on Sunday night, and continued to proclaim how this was the best dinner she ever had...and I did not feel happy serving this type of dinner...after all, I really wanted to add to the dirty dishes that were not in my sink for several days to cook an elaborate five-course meal for my children who eat everything I make for them without ever complaining...
I did not just see the mouse that has been running rampant in our house for several weeks come out of hiding while writing these Not Me's, only to scurry away quickly after I jumped...and I did not become alarmed after seeing this mouse, for I am so used to having this furry rodent in the home, that it has become a part of the family, as it so graciously helps itself to the food left on the floor and in the pantry, and deposits his waste in closets and corners where I would never step...and I would never ever think of doing anything to harm our little furry friend in order to dispose of him and his tracings for good...
I did not let the girls stay up two hours past bedtime watching football with daddy while I thought of these Not Me's and checked my favorite blogs... And I did not buy into their sudden interest in this sport when they realized that I was going to have them go to bed...
I did not call my husband on his cell phone, who was upstairs, on the phone downstairs, so that he could come down and help me...I am not that lazy and would never think about not walking up the 15 steps to talk to him...and he did not ignore my very important phone call because he was not "watchinging an exciting game" (his quotes) and of course he knows that watching grown men in tights running around after a ball and slappin each others behinds is not more important than helping his wonderful wife...!!!
more to come...
1 comment:
i always cook gourmet meals for my family 7 days a week. I would never let them dine on things such as popcorn or cookies for dinner, ever!
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