Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An onion moment

Yesterday was a beautiful moment with my toddler that I just want to share so that I can always look back at this post and remember...

My daughter and I were "cooking" together. The older two were outside playing with a friend so it was just me and the toddler hangin out and making food for dinner. I was cutting an onion for a salad and my eyes started to water and then I looked at her and her eyes were watering. She didn't understand why her eyes were getting all teary-eyed and so she did what her 1 and 1/2 year old mind was telling her to do when she starts crying, she just started hugging me ...we were "crying" together and hugging each other and she kept looking at me with tears in her eyes, smiling... and I kept looking at her and smiling with tears in my eyes. I felt like I was on a Hallmark commercial...we weren't trully sad though so maybe it wouldn't have made a real commercial, but still, it was a moment that I don't want to forget.

I really thank God for that little memory with my little one because I don't get lovely moments with my toddler very often. I had forgotten what it is like to be around an independant, I want my way, stubborn (I wonder where she gets that from?) little this little moment with her was a refreshing reminder that she has a sweet little loving spirit given to her by a God who trully adores her....

much love to you!!!

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