Born in a
He is Emmanuel.
God is with us!
How amazing that God became
a man and walked among us.
He was born of a virgin by the power of
the Holy Spirit. He came so that we might have life.
He is our Savior and we need Him to free us of our sin.
How awesome that He had this plan from the beginning.
A plan to radically change each sinful heart for His purposes and glory.
What a God! He came into the world in a lowly stable and humbled himself
by sacrificing His life for us. His ministry was short, but He forever changed the course
of history...He is Jesus Christ. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our God, our Creator. All power
-ful, all knowing. He is not of this world and we did not recognize Him. He who knew no sin yet became sin for
us so that we might receive eternal life with Him. We celebrate Him today and every day after for His goodness, for His kindness and mercy
to us. His promise
to bring a Savior
into the world was
fulfilled and we are
rejoicing with the
angels on this day!
Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year!!!! We hope to see you all in 2010.....Much love from the Johnson's