Sunday, August 30, 2009

missin' you

It has been 11 days since my baby boo left. Only about 354 more days to go....

It has been real nice getting to talk to him about every other day. Hopefully the communication will be even better when he reaches his final destination in a few days. We hope to use the webcam so he can see the kids and so we can see him...

Tomorrow we will officially start school work. I will be making up a "schedule" to somewhat follow as we go through the year. I know life happens and things happen that make us stray off of the schedule but I like to have a guideline of what we need to accomplish each day....

So I better get off of here and get to work as there is much to be done while the kiddos are sleeping.

Much love to you all. And to baby boo: we miss you and are praying for you daily!!!

"Love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life." -Deut. 30:20

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