Thursday, May 14, 2009


Kamelah was baptized yesterday and I am trying to post the video but it is not working...this computer does not like me....( me!!!)

But anyway I hope to post the video soon.

Here is Kamelah and the other kids right before the baptism:

Kamelah is coming down to get baptized:

This was a very exciting day for me to see my daughter being baptized. She asked Jesus to come into her heart at three and then at a VBS she asked Jesus into her heart again when she was six. She made the decision to be baptized and in doing so has made it public that she will follow Jesus the rest of her life... it is a celebration... it makes me feel overjoyed to see her doing something so important that will impact her forever....

yet I know the celebrating is not over. It is a moment by moment decision to follow the Lord. It is not easy. She will have to continue to work out her salvation through trials, tribulations, hardships....Jesus said to pick up His cross and follow him daily even when others are not. Even when the road He has you on seems to hit a dead end...

Let me preach a little bit more to ya because I need to hear this myself...(can I get an amen!!)

I am proud of my daughter and what she is becoming. I am thankful that God is working in her at an early age and I hope and pray that she continues to seek Him with all her heart. I pray that her relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ would continue to grow and that she would continue to glorify Him in all she does.

For His glory alone.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

32 Weeks!!!

I am thirty-two weeks this week!!! (Does it look like I am carrying twins because two people have already asked!!) I do feel like I am carrying bigger with this one than the other three. My youngest was 8 lbs. when born so I hope he won't be much bigger than that. Looking forward to this little one coming soon....
I found this verse in 2 Cor. 4:16-18 that really speaks to me this season in my life. "Therefore, (I) do not lose heart. Though outwardly (I) am wasting away, yet inwardly (I) am being renewed day by day. For (my) light and momentary troubles are achieving for (me) an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So (I) fix my eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Each day brings new trials, challenges, and sometimes heartache but there is purpose in all that I do and all that I go through...which renews my soul and strengthens my spirit day by day. I am to fix my eyes on what is unseen, what is eternal...that is what counts. Eternity seems so far away to me while living day by day here on Earth, but in retrospect it is not that far at all. Eternity looks like this:
. _______________________________________________and so on
That dot represents my life here, but that line represents eternity. The scripture commands me to fix my eyes on the line, where there is no more pain, suffering, hurt. That line means experiencing loveliness, holiness, perfectness, and total oneness with my Creator and my Lord and Savior forever. I am sure looking forward to that....
But in the meantime there is a purpose here on earth in which I need to strive to achieve. God has given me a purpose here and so I need Him to renew me day by day in order to go and do the things He has called me to do.
That means going through hardships and trials and.....pain sometimes in order to get there. I hate pain....I am thinking about labor pains right now. I know once that first contraction comes the pain and the memory of it will come back to me. But I also know that with each contraction it will bring me closer and closer to seeing my son whom I have been blessed and priviledged to have and whom I have been praying for, for a very long time. God is so good in creating and bringing this precious little one into the world and I pray and hope he and I will be glorified, shining the light of the Son of Man to others through the truth of God's word and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
For His glory.....