Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've been tagged...

Really I haven't, but I saw it on another blog and so I thought it would be good to write down some things about me that you might not know...(that's what you do when you get, I think!!)

1. I like doing things sporadically and not really in any kind of order. For example, I can never finish a one year bible plan. That is too much pressure for me to complete daily and I will stress out if I miss a day. So what I do is study out of one book in the old testament, one book in the new testament, a psalm, and a proverb. I may read it at night or in the morning.

2. I like chocolate with carmel and chocolate with peanut butter. I don't do just plain chocolate unless it is hershey's chocolate and even then I can only eat a couple pieces without putting peanut butter on it.

3. I am not a fancy girl...I prefer eating at McDonald's over some fancy restaurant that you can't even read or understand what they' re serving on the menu. I like plain decorations, plain(colored) walls, plain wallpaper, plain clothes, no fancy nothin...!!

4. I watch very little t.v. I don't know or care to know the new fall line-up on NBC, CBS, or other station. I prefer to read, scrapbook, and blog.

5. My favorite treat is a hot fudge sunday and it has to have the hot fudge (extra) at the bottom first, then 1 1/2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, more hot fudge on top, then peanut butter syrup (extra), and finally whip cream and NO cherry.

All this food talking is making me want something to eat...the chocolate is calling me...I will write more later...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not ME Monday!!!

I did not take a pregnancy test on Friday because I was not curious and it was not positive, unless the test which is not 99% accurate is not right in which I would still not be pregnant...and that would not make baby #4 due not in the summer of 2009...!!!

I did not work for hours on my daughter's oh-so-simple Martha Stewart butterfly wings, only to have them look like this...

And I did not try to convince Zaria to be a dragonfly instead of a butterfly because of how the wings turned out. (Somehow Martha's looked so much more like a butterfly than mine!!)

I did not just eat the rest of the bag of Ghirardelli dark chocolate carmel-filled squares as I was typing this because as you know, I do not like chocolate, especially when I am not pregnant!!

Check out more not me's on MckMama's website ( and please prayer for her...she is having her fourth baby by c-section on Weds. and he has a serious heart more on her website...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dr. Johnson and his medical assistant...

Finally a picture of my scrubs. No, we are not
really dr.'s (although we make cute ones right?? at least I do!!)
We dressed up for a hail and farewell at the
LTC's house on Friday night. It was a great time and lots
and lots of food...

A couple things before I go to bed:

Please pray for our neighbor Kathy and her family. Her husband passed away this afternoon...he had cancer. I was very glad to have been able to visit him a few times and pray with him....

And check out my Not Me Monday tomorrow for some exciting not me news!!!!

Love ya....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Recent Pics

The girls and I stuffed bags for a Halloween
outreach for our church. Each bag has a book
and an invitation to the church. We will be passing
these out Halloween night.

Zaria is being her silly self:

The girls outside our home with our recently
carved pumpkins:

This very creative clay making was done by
none other than Zaria. She told me, "Mom,
can't you tell this is baby Jesus..." and can you
guess who the other two are?

Monday, October 20, 2008

A love relationship

Kamelah asked me, "Mommy, who started the first blog?"

Zaria said, "Of course it was George Washington..."

George Washington has been the answer to many questions Zaria George Washington is old and anything that happened in the past was started or somehow involves George Washington.

Well here is something I wrote down and don't know where it came from:

"Everything in your Christian life, everything about knowing him and experiencing Him, everything about knowing His will depends on the quality of your love relationship to God..."

This was a great reminder for me as Mondays tend to be hectic, and a distraction from continually establishing a love relationship with God...

more on that soon..

Not ME Monday!!!

I did not eat pumpkin seeds and mini oreo cookies for breakfast today and I did not finally get to eat breakfast at 11 o'clock am....

I did not hear our fire alarm upstairs beeping continually at 3 o'clock in the morning and I did not stay awake wondering how I was going to reach that high to turn it off...

I did not leave lots and lots of dirty dishes on my countertops and dirty clothes in the washer and clean clothes in the dryer all weekend long ...and I did not just type another not me about dirty dishes and laundry...

I did not eat chocolate chip cookies last night at 4 o'clock in the morning after being awake for an hour of hearing beeping loudly and constantly....and I did not think that cookies would in some way make my tired brain think of solving the noisy alarm issue...

I did not have to stop my whole morning and think of these not me's...and somehow the thought of spending my time more productively to get things done around here like laundry and dishes mentioned above never even crossed my mind...

For more not me's go to

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Caught on camera

Crystal to me: "Girl I know you didn't have lunch today but
do you have to eat your hair??"
Anaya's thinking: "And my mama thinks I'm weird for eating dirt..."

P.S. If you think I have way too much time on my hands, well,...I am posting this while watching the presidential debate...God bless!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not Me Monday

Today is another episode of Not ME Monday...these things I did not do and do not claim to ever think to do them in my life, ever... (if you don't know what I am talking about go to blog to find out...and to read more hilarious Not Me's!!)

I did not have the urge to stop cooking meals for the family after my daughter happily stated just how much she loved eating toast, leftover microwaved rice, and yogurt for dinner on Sunday night, and continued to proclaim how this was the best dinner she ever had...and I did not feel happy serving this type of dinner...after all, I really wanted to add to the dirty dishes that were not in my sink for several days to cook an elaborate five-course meal for my children who eat everything I make for them without ever complaining...

I did not just see the mouse that has been running rampant in our house for several weeks come out of hiding while writing these Not Me's, only to scurry away quickly after I jumped...and I did not become alarmed after seeing this mouse, for I am so used to having this furry rodent in the home, that it has become a part of the family, as it so graciously helps itself to the food left on the floor and in the pantry, and deposits his waste in closets and corners where I would never step...and I would never ever think of doing anything to harm our little furry friend in order to dispose of him and his tracings for good...

I did not let the girls stay up two hours past bedtime watching football with daddy while I thought of these Not Me's and checked my favorite blogs... And I did not buy into their sudden interest in this sport when they realized that I was going to have them go to bed...

I did not call my husband on his cell phone, who was upstairs, on the phone downstairs, so that he could come down and help me...I am not that lazy and would never think about not walking up the 15 steps to talk to him...and he did not ignore my very important phone call because he was not "watchinging an exciting game" (his quotes) and of course he knows that watching grown men in tights running around after a ball and slappin each others behinds is not more important than helping his wonderful wife...!!!

more to come...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Super busy Saturday

Wow this was a busy day today. We had soccer games, and pumpkin muffins to make. Then Phil and I went to see Fireproof in the theatre. It was a great movie so you all need to go see it. Here is the website to get a sneak peek at

Then we went go visit my neighbor in the hospital. Please pray for him and his family. Lew has cancer and he was not very coherent when we went go so him. They are a very sweet family and the girls play with their seven-year-old daughter....

And finally we got some Checkers food and picked up the kids at the baby-sitters and now I am so tired...must go to bed...

I will post pics soon...I have some good ones of the girls.

Love ya,

P.S. post a comment after you see the movie!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Can you tell where we went to today???

Monday, October 6, 2008

Not ME Monday!!!

Today in Not Me Monday (and I so do Not want to write anything because I know I should not possibly have anything to contribute to Not Me Monday...) but anyway, here goes...

I did not just last night fold and put away the laundry that was mentioned last Monday in the Not Me Monday post...and I did not wait an extra couple of days after husband mentioned he was runnin low on under clothes to wash said know I would never procrasinate on laundry because I am always so on top of that...

I did not gate my 19 month old daughter in her room for almost two hours today so that she would not have to cling on to me constantly while I tried to do something useful in the house like...laundry that is mentioned above, and...I would never use my daughter as an excuse as to why I can't get anything done around here....and of course I would never ignore her cries to get out of her room after being in there for a while because I was actually getting some things accomplished without the attached sidekick weighing me down...nope, not me!!

And, I did not have to give my perfect angel daughter two spankings today for biting both her sisters...after all, we have raised an obedient little darling who never does anything wrong.

And finally...I did not feel excited, even happy, that I was finally putting my kids to bed after a manic, um.. I mean, marvelous Monday...hearing complaining, whining arguing, and crying before it was even 9:00 in the morning makes for a not Me Monday to not ever be repeated again!!!

Have a blessed Not ME Monday day!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Photo of girls

Just wanted to post a cute pic of the girls I took tonight. If you haven't seen them in a while here they are being there silly s-elfs right before bedtime...
I hope to post a picture of my man, Phil, soon...he is not very camera friendly, but I hope to sneak a shot of him. It might just have to be a sleeping photo, but he looks cute and innocent when he's like that!!!
P.S. I wrote this down sometime back and I thought I would post it here. A quote from St. Francis of Assisi. "Preach the gospel at all times, if necessary use words." The way we live our lives speaks a lot about who we follow and about what we believe. I will remember this as I never know who is watching....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hello family and friends,

What a great weekend we are having. The weather has been so the 70's with a breeze, sunny, and "autumny"...

On Friday we had a busy day. I really like to do something fun with the girls on Friday, something that we normally don't do during the week. So this week we went to a park in Fayetteville and walked 2 mi. for a cause...something I never heard of until I met a woman named Kristen. She had a condition called vasa previa when her son was born and didn't know it. Anyway, he almost died while she was in labor with him, but God saved him...and so now she wants to inform other women about this condition that can be prevented and diagnosed by ultrasound. Here is the website if you are interested:

So we went to the park and walked with about 10 other moms and about 20 something kids and it was so nice and beautiful to be able to walk for this cause. Kristen is very passionate about telling others about this and she is so sweet to share her story with others. She knows that no medical personel, no doctor, no nurse, no one could of saved him but the Lord and she knows her son has a special purpose here...what an awesome story and testimony of a true miracle from God.

Then later on after the kids played and wore themselves out, we went to a children's home to visit and spend time with the kids there. These kids were removed from their homes for various reasons and they live in dorm style housing and seem to get a lot of love from the staff that work there. The only problem is there are about sixty kids and only about 5 or 6 full time staff. So I know a lot of the kids just crave attention. I was so glad the girls and I went there...I wanted to bring several of the kids home with me. The girls and I played with the kids and I got to talk with one of the girls who was 16 and had two kids living there with her. She was so smart and she said she wants to be a lawyer....
I could see the love of the Father there as I was playing with the kids. One of the ladies that works there has been there for 20 years. The children are taken care of and loved and of course the Lord is watching over all of them and you could just feel the love of God there...I can't wait to go back to talk with more of the kids and spend time with them. I just want to show them how much God trully loves them. They are beautiful kids...

And today, well being that it is a Saturday, it was soccer games day!! The kids did well in spite of the fact that they lost both games. Kamelah was named MVP of the game and she really worked hard playing defense...and she had fun playing too.

I am trying to figure out how to post is now working. I hope to figure that out soon....

Thanks for visiting...I will be back soon to share more...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Internet down

Just a quick hello to let you all know that our internet has been down for some time now but I hope to update soon.

Much love to you...