Sunday, December 14, 2008

Praisin Him!!!!

Baby girl loves to put on her shades and dance to praise music:

Hello blog friends,

So sorry it has been a while since I updated. The Christmas season is upon us and there is lots to do. I am again excited this year to share Christmas with the girls. It is so much fun to make things with them, to decorate and to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Joy and peace is what I am praying and hoping to experience in the coming weeks (and into the new year) and I hope to not become anxious or stressed out in anyway.

We have been doing the Jesse Tree nightly (almost nightly unless it is 10:30 pm and the kids are still up and I am ready for bed!!) but it is awesome to reflect on Christ even before he was born. These devotions that go along with the Jesse Tree ornament focus on Christ in the Old Testament and New Testament. He was there in Creation, during Abrahams life, and David's too, etc.... I hope and pray that I and the girls can really focus on His rich, abiding love this Christmas and to pour out His love to family and friends.

So what are some traditions or things that you are doing this year? Let me know....

God bless you all!!!!

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