Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dinner conversation

Anaya likes to say the word "hot" a lot these days. One time at dinner I told her to say thank you to me for making dinner and she responds, "hot, mama!" And the girls laughed and she laughed and thought it was funny. She then proceeded to say it again three or four times and the girls continued to laugh and laugh. And then finally she says, (when she finally realizes that Mommy won't let her down until she says it) "thank you, Mama...hot, mama!" (ha ha ha...) We have gone through this conversation ordeal almost nightly since then and each time she says it she looks at Kamelah and Zaria to see if they are going to laugh.

So today at dinner Anaya does her usual "hot, mama" saying as I tell her to say thank you for the meal. Then Zaria says, "Mommy, I don't think Anaya is saying hot like the food is hot. I think she is saying hot like your hot mommy." I say, "I consider that a compliment, thank you very much." Anaya says, "Thank you Mama...hot, mama!!!" (lots of laughter...)

P.S. Kristen, have you been keeping up with your bible reading? (Just thought I'd ask, my one and only blog reader friend!!)


Janelle said...

Okay Mary Kay, I resent that Kristen is your ONLY BLOG READER!! I am a blog reader too thank you very much! I have been keeping track of you and your girls and your new little one on the way - did you say what you are having? Not sure? Anyway, I am keeping up with my Bible reading if you are interested, but not as aggressively as you guys probably! ANyway - cute note about dinner conversations! Blesings!

jaklew said...

I hadn't noticed before today that your blog font purple- I think you might be a little purple. Thank you for the cute purple clothes and the yummy chocolate stuff. And congrats on your baby boy- the boys have named him Phillip Matthew. (uh-oh, did I spoil your secret for all your blogger friends.)
And yes, I have been reading my Bible!