Sunday, September 27, 2009

I know Him

A rough day today....

no sleep for me or baby....cranky toddler....fighting and biting older kids....found out I missed a call from my hubby....missing broom and remote...messy house....sore breast...broke a ceramic dish....legs hurt from running....I could go on but I will stop...

To remember HIM.

Because He is all I need and I need him desperately. I don't want to appear like I need Him on just bad days but all day everyday on good days too.

I have been thinkin about joy...only Jesus can give us joy...yet, my circumstances a lot of times seem to zap my joy right out of me.

Joy commeth in the morning...the joy of the Lord is my strength...remember the joy of your salvation...these snippets of verses come to me as I type. Helping me to focus not on me but on Him...

A day like today wants to put me first...I keep thinking of myself and all my woes and sorrows...little things like why I can't type in purple anymore irritate me...!!

Yet I will rise and overcome me, myself and I because I know Him. He is my all and all...He has seen me through some awful times and He will see me through this day...

Let me fix my eyes upon Jesus for He came to overcome. And because of Him I am an overcomer. Why do I so easily forget who I am in Christ?

I am so so so looking forward to eternity right now. But God has given me another day and so I pray that I can make each moment count for eternity. I pray I can love, love, love on those around me as the Spirit inside works in me to do so. I pray that I can finish this race well because it will be so worth it when I hear, "well done my good and faithful servant." from a loving and mighty God.

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