Monday, February 27, 2012

Revelation is wonderful!

It's amazing how God reveals Himself to the car, at home, during the early hours of the morning, in the sunrise and sunsets here on this beautiful island called Guam....and even in the rainbows that paint the sky quite frequently here...

God is revealing so much to me. I am currently reviewing my spiritual warfare notes and reading several scriptures in Ephesians. I am realizing now that I became spiritually lazy in this spiritual battle we fight daily....not thinking the enemy was going to take advantage of my lack of focusing on God....

But praise God for His mercy, love and grace. I see it more and more as I seek Him more and more in this life He has given me. I might have fallen out for a little while, but my King dusted me off, healed my wounds and set my feet up on the Rock, once again, which is always steady, trustworthy, and faithful!

....So I just want to give God praise for:
-not giving up on me, even when I gave up on Him
-His Holy Spirit leading me, guiding me, and teaching me
-His unconditional love, His forgiveness, His forgetfulness
-using me to make others more aware of Him
-His truth that has set me free!!!

Love to you lovely blogger friends!!!!

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