Wednesday, November 12, 2008

monkey see, monkey do

Anaya loves doing whatever big sister does:

After this chair lifting escapade, the girls decided to go outside and play in our "swimming pool" turned to mud pit...complete with shovels, boots, and buckets. It kept 'em busy, so I was happy about that. I was not so happy about Anaya's white stockings and clothes getting all muddy....thank God for clorox...
Much is happenin here in our neck of the woods. Today we did school work and went to lots of stores. I am in a Jesse Tree ornament exchange and have to make 25 of the same ornament, a camel and a tent. Here is a link to a website on the Jesse Tree if you don't know what it is: So I was trying to find wooden camels to make the ornament but after going to three craft stores I couldn't find any. So...looks like I will have to go a different route on this ornament I dare go to the Martha Stewart website? I am still feelin' the disappointment from those wings I made (see Oct. post for the pic) so Ms. Martha may not be able to help me out...
While the girls were in AWANA, I did something I haven't done since we moved here...I mopped the floors!!! Mama would have been so proud...the floors are sparklin' and I know by tomorrow they will be dirty again but hey, I can stare at them all night tonight remembering what they can look like with some Mr. Clean and a mop...
And another thing I did was unpack a box. I am trying to unpack one box a day. I kinda slowed down since we moved here in June til...well, until I hope to have the garage cleared out enough for one car to fit in there by December.
I am also reading a really good book for the second time, called A Journey to Hell and Back by Charlotte Russell Johnson. Click here to review the book. I hope to talk about it on another post.
The lil' one is making a lot of noises from her bedroom and I must go check on her as she likes to take off her clothes and diaper and use her crib as a toilet...bye!

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